
In the session we will have a look at how to Work with Classes and Objects using .NET. We will be covering the following topics

o Adding Variables and Methods
o Properties and Indexers
o Constructors and Destructors
o Type Initialize
o Extension Methods
o Anonymous Types
o Memory Management and Garbage Collection
o Shared / Static Members
o Method Overloading
o Anonymous Methods
o Partial Classes & Methods
o Operator Overloading
o Inner Classes
o Attributes and their Usage

Apparently the guys did not pay me for the job they hired me for so i am sharing the video for free with everyone out there.

The full source code of the module is available here.

Any questions, comments and feedback are most welcome.


In the session we will have a look at Object-Oriented Programming using .NET. We will be covering the following topics

o Object and Class Definition
o Understanding Identity, State, and Behavior
o Using encapsulation to combine methods and data in a single class
o Inheritance and Polymorphism.

Apparently the guys did not pay me for the job they hired me for so i am sharing the video for free with everyone out there.

The full source code of the module is available here.

Any questions, comments and feedback are most welcome.


In the session we will have a look at .NET Language Basics. We will be covering the following topics

– Variables and Data Types
– String & StringBuilder
– Boxing and Unboxing
– Operators
– Statements
– Arrays and Strings
– Procedures and Functions

Apparently the guys did not pay me for the job they hired me for so i am sharing the video for free with everyone out there.

The full source code of the module is available here.

Any questions, comments and feedback are most welcome.

Hey Guys,

I have developed a simple CSharp application that gives you random characters to type and records the key presses and also increases the speed of the letters that come for typing.

Have a look at the sceenshot of the app and also the video below.




Have a look at the demo video

The source code of the application can be found here.