Batch Watermarking in Adobe Fireworks

Open an image in Fireworks.




Now, import the image , you want to use for watermarking.

Importing An Image

Importing An Image

3. Give it path to the file , used for watermarking.

Finding Watermark

Finding Watermark

Fine tune the image and watermark.

Adjust  the opacity.

Adjusting Opacity And Alignment

Adjusting Opacity And Alignment

Click on History Tab in sidebar.

History Tab in Sidebar

History Tab in Sidebar

Select all the steps.

Select All Steps

Select All Steps




Click on “Save Steps As A Command”.

Save Steps As Command

Save Steps As Command



Name it whatever you like.


Saving the Watermarking Command

Saving the Watermarking Command



Now goto File>Import.

Click on Batch Process

Click on Batch Process



Name it watermark or whatever you want.

Naming The Batch Procedure

Naming The Batch Procedure



Expand the command and scroll down to bottom and click on the name you given to watermark(Previously)

Selecting Previously Created Command

Selecting Previously Created Command



Now open the files you want to watermark.

Open The File To Be Processed in Batch

Open The File To Be Processed in Batch


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