WHO has declared Coronavirus a global pandemic and almost every country in the world is impacted by it. A lot of people are trying to track the state of pandemic and it’s impact. A lot of people and organizations have come forward to help in this global crisis. But just like everything else where there is good there is evil. Malicious apps, websites, scams and ransomware have spun up to take advantage of the situation.

One of the ransomeware app it the Covid 19 Tracker which promises to give you the real time tracking of the spreading virus near you.

But in the background changes the password of your android phone and locks it. It then demands $100 in Bitcoin to be paid to be able to unlock your phone.

Be safe and just like always visit only the sites you trust and please refrain from installing untrusted apps on your mobile phone.
Microsoft has delivered the fastest project of this size that I know of to provide accurate and up to date information on the coronavirus (COVID-19). You can visit the live tracker at https://bing.com/covid. The website is mobile friendly as well.