
In the session we will have a look at .NET Language Basics. We will be covering the following topics

– Variables and Data Types
– String & StringBuilder
– Boxing and Unboxing
– Operators
– Statements
– Arrays and Strings
– Procedures and Functions

Apparently the guys did not pay me for the job they hired me for so i am sharing the video for free with everyone out there.

The full source code of the module is available here.

Any questions, comments and feedback are most welcome.

Hey Guys,

I have developed a simple CSharp application that gives you random characters to type and records the key presses and also increases the speed of the letters that come for typing.

Have a look at the sceenshot of the app and also the video below.




Have a look at the demo video

The source code of the application can be found here.


Hey guys,

Recently I had a requirement in which I had to run an application directly from a DVD. So I made a demo application so that I can share it with you guys.

So first of all we need to create a player inside which the video will play. So add the following code to your xaml file of the window


WPF Video APP from CD / DVD

WPF Video APP from CD / DVD

Now we need to add the event handler for these events in our code behind. These can easily be converted to Commands but I did not bother as I wanted to keep it simple. So we add the following code to the code behind of our window.


WPF Video APP from CD / DVD

WPF Video APP from CD / DVD

Now we make sure we have the media already present in our application. So we add a Media folder into our application and we add the a video named Lake.wmv to it. And sure it has properties set as shown.


WPF Video APP from CD / DVD

WPF Video APP from CD / DVD

Now you can build and run the application.

To run it from the DVD we need to create an ISO file which we can write to a DVD. So create an ISO file I have used Magic ISO Maker which looks something like below.


WPF Video APP from CD / DVD

WPF Video APP from CD / DVD

I then browse to the bin folder of my application and drag all the files and folder in it on to the blank area above and create the ISO.

Now we can write this ISO to a DVD or just run it using a virtual drive.

WPF Video APP from CD / DVD

WPF Video APP from CD / DVD

We can browse the DVD and run the application.


WPF Video APP from CD / DVD

WPF Video APP from CD / DVD

The source and ISO can be downloaded here.


Any questions, comments or feedback is highly appreciated.

Hey guys,

I am sharing my latest application which is a address book developed in WPF and C# using MVVM pattern.

Address Book in WPF C# MVVM

Address Book in WPF C# MVVM

Following are the features of the application.

  1. You can save data to the data base local to application. None of the other applications are required.
  2. Functionality to import or export excel database
  3. Needs only .NET Framework to run.

You can download the Source code and the executeable below.


Feel free post any questions, comments or feedback.