Hey Guys,

I am back with the 4th tutorial on MS Expression Design and in this one we will cover the concepts of Grid, Guides and Points. Hope you have gone through my previous tutorials on MS Expresssion Design Tutorial : Microsoft Expression Design Basics, Tutorial : Microsoft Expression Design – Working with Panels and Tutorial : Microsoft Expression Design Zooming and Scrolling. Any questions you have are most welcome so with that positive thought lets start off with this session.

So if you are a designer then you would definetly know that for a good design you need to align objects to the document grid and to rular grid. Now Expression design provides a feature called Snap to Points and it allows you to align objects based on the position of each objects’s bounding box nodes.

Showing and Hiding the Grid in the Document

The document grid is a very useful tool for aligning objects precisely in your artwork. The objects that you create can be snapped to grid and for the same you need to make the grid visible.

Choosing the Show Grid Command

To display/hide the document grid you need to choose Show from the View menu and point to the Grid.



Note – Press Ctrl + ‘ to toggle visibility for the document grid. The Show Grid command only affects the currently active document. When multiple documents are open, the Show Grid command only toggles grid visibility for the document you are currently working in.

 Changing the Grid Size

Grid size options are accessible via the Units and Grids pane of the Option dialog box. This setting determines the size of each square in the document grid, allowing you to customize the overall size of the grid to meet the alignment needs of your project.

Under the Edit menu, point to Options and choose Units and Grids.

Units and Grids

Units and Grids

Note – Press Ctrl + K to quickly access the Options dialog box. Select Units and Grids from the menu on the left.

Select Grid Size

Select Grid Size

Set the Grid Size field. The Grid Size option uses the same measurement unit as the Document Units option. In the Units and Grids pane of the Options dialog box, the measurement unit that you choose in the Document Units field determines what measurement unit is displayed in the neighboring Grid Size field.

Using the Grid as a Drawing Guide

As you draw shapes and paths in Expression Design, you can refer to the document grid to ensure that certain objects are aligned evenly, such as custom interface controls or website navigation buttons. After the objects are aligned, you can always toggle the grid’s visibility on or off, should the overlying pattern become too distracting to work with.

To display the document grid, choose Show from the View menu and point to Grid . Whenever you make the grid visible, Expression Design displays a check mark next to the word Grid in the submenu. As you create shapes and paths using the various drawing tools, you can use the document grid to align their positions on the artboard. To preview your artwork without displaying the overlying document grid, choose Grid from the Show submenu, or apply the keyboard shortcut of Ctrl+’.

Snapping to the Grid When Drawing

An even more precise way to align objects as you draw them is to snap to the document grid. This technique allows you to align the position of each line, point, or shape precisely on the artboard as you use the various drawing tools in Expression Design.

 To display the document grid, choose Show from the View menu and point to Grid .Then Under the View menu, choose Snap to Grid.  Expression Design displays a check mark next to the menu command whenever it is enabled.



If you click or drag close enough to any gridline with the various drawing tools (such as the Pen or Rectangle), the individual points (or lines) snap into position. Snapping to the grid allows you to align the position of each line, point, or shape precisely on the artboard.

Snapping to the Grid When Moving Objects

You might find it easier to align objects to the document grid after they’ve been drawn. One of the benefits to working this way is that you can snap objects to the grid while it is hidden, thereby eliminating the need to display the checkerboard overlay pattern. When guide snaps are enabled, you can move objects on the artboard and refer to the intersection markers that are displayed over any bounding box points that intersect with the grid.

 To display the document grid, choose Show from the View menu and point to Grid . Then, Under the View menu, choose Snap to Grid.  Expression Design displays a check mark next to the menu command whenever it is enabled.

Press V to access the Selection tool and click and drag an object in any direction to reposition it. When you drag close enough to a gridline, the object automatically snaps into position.

As you click and drag, Expression Design displays red intersection markers over any points that come in contact with the grid.

 Adding Ruler Guides

When it comes to aligning objects, some designers prefer to use ruler guides as opposed to the document grid. This is because ruler guides can be positioned wherever you like on the artboard, whereas the document grid’s position is limited to the settings assigned in the Units and Grids pane of the Options dialog box.

To set ruler hover over the ruler area and click and hold down the mouse button, the cursor will change to display a double side arrow then drag out a guide from the rulker area onto the artboard and then release the mouse after postioning the guide.

Ruler Guides

Ruler GuidesRuler Guides

Ruler guides always extend past the edges of the artboard. All ruler guides extend into the pasteboard area surrounding the artboard. Ruler guides automatically rotate with the artboard. Unlike the document grid, if you rotate the artboard using the Rotate View commands, the ruler guides also rotate. Ruler guides are not layer specific. Unlike objects, ruler guides are not positioned within a layer; therefore, they are not affected by assigned layer color or the Layers panel visibility controls. Ruler guides are not printable. The ruler guides can only be viewed onscreen as you work in Expression Design. They will not print or export with the artwork.

Showing and Hiding Guides

The more guides you add to your document, the more distracting they can become. That’s why the best way to work with ruler guides is to display them onscreen only when you need them. Thankfully, Expression Design makes it easy to control guide visibility through the use of menu commands, keyboard shortcuts, and contextual menus.

To display ruler guides, choose Show from the View menu and point to Guides . Whenever you make the guides visible, Expression Design displays a check mark next to the word Guides in the submenu.

Show Hide Guides

Show Hide Guides

Note – You can use Ctrl +; to toggle visibility of ruler guides.

You can also access the Show Guides command from the contextual menu. To access the Show Guides command from the contextual menu, make sure you have no objects selected, and then right-click anywhere in the document and choose Show Guides.

Snapping to Guides

 Snapping objects to ruler guides allows you to align objects precisely on the artboard. The benefit to snapping to ruler guides as opposed to the grid is that you can place guides and reposition them wherever you like on the artboard—even at an angle—whereas the document grid always remains static.

 To snap to guides under the View menu Choose  Snap to Guides.

Snap To Grid

Snap To Grid

 Note – You can also press Ctrl + Shift + ; to toggle Snap to Guides command on and off.

Press to access the Selection tool and click and drag an object in any direction. When you drag close enough to a guide, the object automatically snaps to it.

The ruler guides change color when guide snaps are enabled. When the Snap to Guides option is enabled, the ruler guides appear blue; when the option is disabled, the guides appear gray. Intersection markers are displayed when snapping to guides. Expression Design displays intersection markers over any bounding box points that come in contact with the ruler guides. However, unlike the document grid, the guides must be visible for the intersection markers to appear.

Repositioning Guides

Once you drag a ruler guide onto the artboard and release the mouse button, it remains in place and cannot be selected or moved with any of the selection tools. Expression Design purposely locks the guides to prevent you from accidentally selecting and moving them as you transform objects in your artwork. However, it is possible to reposition guides. To do so, you must hold down the Alt key while you click and drag the guide.

Removing Guides

Ruler guides can be removed from a document just as easily as they can be added. All you need to do is Alt+click while you drag each guide back into the respective horizontal or vertical ruler area where you originally pulled them from.

You can only move or delete one guide at a time. Expression Design does not allow you to select and move multiple guides at once. There is also currently no command for clearing all ruler guides from the document.

Making and Releasing Guides

Expression Design also allows you to convert existing shapes or paths into guides. These types of guides can be used to indicate specific areas of a design where certain objects, such as text, should be positioned. You can also revert these guides back into editable shapes once the guides are no longer needed.

 1. Use the various drawing tools, such as the Pen or Rectangle, to create a shape or path. After it is drawn, be sure not to deselect it.

 2. To make a guide out of the selected shape or path, choose Guide from the Object  menu and choose Make.

 3. To revert the made guide back into an editable shape or path, choose Guide from the Object  menu and point to Release.

Note  – Press Ctrl+5 to apply the Make command quickly. The Release command reverts all made guides back into editable shapes. It is currently not possible to select and release individual guides created from shapes or paths.

Snapping to Points

In addition to aligning objects to the document grid and to ruler guides, you can also align objects to each other using the Snap to Points feature. When you enable this option, any objects that you move around on the artboard automatically snap to the bounding box nodes of a neighboring shape or path.

1. Use the various drawing tools, such as the Pen or Rectangle, to create some shapes and/or paths.

2. Under the View menu, choose Snap to Points. Expression Design displays a check mark next to the menu command whenever it is enabled.

Snap To Points

Snap To Points

Note – Press Ctrl+Alt+’ to toggle the Snap to Points command on and off.

3. Press to access the Selection tool and click and drag one of the shapes or paths in any direction. When you drag close enough to one of the bounding box selection points for a neighboring object (not the points that make up the path), the object automatically snaps to it.

4. As you click and drag, Expression Design displays red intersection markers over any points that come in contact with the grid.

Any kind of feedback or comments are most welcome.


Hey Guys,

I am back with the 3rd tutorial on Microsoft Expression Design and this time we are going to talk about Zooming and Scrolling features in Expression Design.

Hope that you know the basics of MS Expression Design and the panels of MS Expression Design. If you are not then you go through my previous posts Basics of MS Expression Design and Panels in MS Expression Blend

So if you are upto speed now we can get started and master the document navigation which majorly refers to zooming and scrolling in MS Expression Design. In order to work more efficiently with MS Expression Design you need to cultivate good navigation skills. Now there a lot different ways you can zoom or scroll your Expression Design docs and here i will discuss various commans you can use for zooming and fitting as well as the tools (zoom tool and pan tool). If you would pay a little attention then you can learn everything about document navigation in Expression Design within this post itself.

Navigating With The Zoom Tool

Using the zoom tool you can increase and decrease the current view magnification for any selected area within a Expression Design doc . There ar two ways you can do this :

Click With Zoom Tool

Zoom In

Zoom In

Note – you can press z to access zoom tool quickly.

Note – Press and hold ctrl + spacebar to access the zoom tool temporarily and release the keys to return to previously selected tool.

For zooming out you can use Alt + Click

Zoom out

Zoom out

Marqueee with the zoom tool

To access the zoom tool you can click the magnifying glass icon in the Tools palette and then click and drag over the document area that you’d like to zoom into.

Navigating with the Document Page Zoom Control

If you look at the bottom left corner of the Expression Design Interface then you  will see the magnification of the document and if you click on the combo box drop down you can see multiple options for setting the zoom on the current document.

Zoom Level

Zoom Level

Navigating with Keyboard Shortcuts

Now the fastest way to navigate is keyboard so lets discuss some keyboard shortcuts.

You can press Ctrl+= to zoom into the center of document. you can continue pressing Ctrl+= to zoom in even further.

And you can press Ctrl+- to zoom out.

Note – The zoom keyboard command always use the center of the document as a reference point.

Fitting to Screen

While working on Expression Design at some point of time you might want to see everything you have created (including any items you might have placed in the pasteboard area). The quickest way to fit all your artwork in the document window is to apply the fit to screen command. You can find the fit to screen command under View Menu.

Fit To Screen

Fit To Screen

Note – You can also press Ctrl+0 or double click the zoom tool icon to apply the fit to screen command.

Fitting to Canvas

The best way to preview your artwork onscreen is to display the entire artboard in the document window. The Fit to Screen command works well for this purpose, but only if no items are placed in the surrounding pasteboard area. This is because Fit to Screen will display everything in the document, including items on the pasteboard. To display the artboard without any surrounding pasteboard objects, you must apply the Fit to Canvas command.

You can click the down facing arrow in the bottom left corner of the document windows and a pop up list of zoom presets appears. To fit the entire artboard in the document window choose fit to canvas from the pop-up list.

Fit To Canvas

Fit To Canvas

Fitting to Selected

No matter what objects you have selected, Expression Design always uses the center of the document as the reference point when zooming with the Zoom In or Zoom Out commands, or when choosing one of the preset zoom percentages from the document window preset list. To zoom in on a selected object, you can use the Zoom tool or, to zoom even more precisely, apply the Fit to Selected or Zoom on Selection commands.

Fit To Selected

Fit To Selected

Apply Zoom on Selection CammandSelect the items you want to magnify and under the view menu click Zoom on Selection and the selected objects are magnified to fit the window.Zoom on SelectionViewing Actual SizeViewing artwork at its actual size means displaying it onscreen at 100% view magnification. When you view artwork at its actual size, what you are seeing is the piece displayed at the exact width and height dimensions that will print or export. You can do this by choosing the Actual Size from View menu or press Ctrl+1. Alternativly you can double-click the pool tool in the Tools Panel to view actual size.Note – The actual size does not center your view.Centering ViewThe Center View command allows you to center the artboard in the document window at 100% view magnification. Applying this command is the quickest and easiest way to return to centered view after navigating around the document with the Zoom and Pan tools. To do this you can choose Center View form the View menu.Note – Applying center view also changes the document view magnification to 100%.Working with multiple viewsThe New View command allows you to create multiple document windows for the same open document. By doing so, you can view your artwork at different zoom percentages. With New View, you can create one window for zoomed-in detail work and a separate one for previewing the entire artboard. In fact, you can create as many views as you like. 1. To create a second window for the currently active document, choose New View from the View menu. NewView

2. In the new window that appears, use any of the methods described in this chapter to apply a different view percentage.


Note – Whatever changes you make in one view will immdeatly appear in all the other views.

Scrolling with Scroll Bars

Another way that you can navigate around the document is by using the document window scroll bars. When you zoom in on your artwork, say to 300% view magnification, the document window can no longer fit the entire artboard in its display area. Rather than zoom out to access another part of the document, you can instead use the scroll bars to reposition the artboard in the window.


Note – The pasteboard area surrounding the artboard is infinite.

Scrolling with the Pan Tool

The Pan tool offers a much more free-form method for scrolling around the document. If you need to access a specific area of the document quickly, don’t waste time by applying multiple zoom commands or dragging the scroll bars. Instead, access the Pan tool and click and drag in any direction. Clicking with the Pan tool causes the cursor’s icon to grab the artboard; dragging repositions the artboard in the window.


To access the Pan tool, click the hand icon in the Tools panel.

Pan Tool For Scroll

Pan Tool For Scroll

Note – Press H to access the Pan tool quickly. Press and hold the Spacebar to access the Pan tool temporarily. Release the Spacebar to return to the previously selected tool.



Zooming with the Mouse Wheel

Expression Design also includes an option for zooming with the mouse wheel. With this option enabled, you can zoom in and out of the document without having to access the Zoom tool or apply any of the Zoom commands. There’s also an option that allows the position of the mouse to determine the reference point for zooming.


1. Under the Edit menu, point to Options and choose General


Choose option

Choose option


Note – Press Ctrl+K to quickly access the General pane of the Options dialog box.

2. In the Options dialog box that appears, choose Zoom from the Mouse Wheel Usage drop-down list.

3.Check theMouse Wheel Zoom About Mouse Position option to allow the position of the mouse to determine the reference point for zooming.


4. Click OK to apply the mouse wheel zoom options.

Set Zoom

Set Zoom

5. Scroll the mouse wheel up to zoom in; scroll down to zoom out. Zoom percentages are applied incrementally in the document with each position of the mouse wheel.

Rotating the Artboard

One of the nicer features in Expression Design is the ability to rotate the artboard. This can be especially useful when drawing freehand or applying shading or cross hatch with the simulated natural media brushes. It’s nice to be able to rotate your artboard onscreen just as if it were a piece of drawing paper.


1. Under the View menu, choose Rotate View Clockwise or Rotate View Counter Clockwise.




Note – Press Shift+[ to apply the Rotate View Clockwise command; press Shift+] to apply Rotate View Counter Clockwise.

2. The artboard appears rotated in the window. To rotate the artboard even further, continue applying the rotate commands.

3. To return the artboard back to its original position, choose Reset View Rotation from the View menu.





Note – Press the End key to apply the Reset View Rotation command quickly.


Ruler units disappear when applying the Rotate View commands. Rotating the artboard causes the rulers to appear blank.


Ruler guides rotate with the artboard, but the document grid does not. Existing ruler guides rotate along with the artboard, but the document grid always remains static.

Comments and feedback are most welcome. 🙂



Hey guys,

This is the 2nd tutorial on Expression Design and in this one we will work with panels in Expression Design. So without wasting a lot of time let me tell you that Expression Designs interface contains only four panels. Now this is an extremely conservative interface structure and hopefully a welcome change in the world of creative software. Two of the four panels in Expression design are dynamic panels (the action bar and the properties panel) which means that the controls they display are dependent on the selected objects in the document as well as the tools chosen to work with.

A workspace is an onscreen arrangement of panels and Expression design allows you to dock two of the panels (the properties panel and layers panel) to the right side of the screen. You can also expand the dock, hide and show panels, and reposition and resize floating panels. But the tools panel cannot be undocked, resized or repositioned however its use is very intutive bcoz of the tooltips.

View Controls in Action Bar

In the default onscreen panel arrangement the Action bar is open but remains but remains black until you select any item in the document and after making a selection the Action bar displays the current X and Y coordinates for that item as well as its width and height dimentions. There are also controls for rotating and skewing the object when multiple items are selected, the Action bar also displays additional Align, Distribute, Stack and Path controls.

Select any item in the document

1. You can select Action from Window –> Action Bar. A check next to the action bar signifies that the action bar is currently visible. You can also press F3 to quickly hide or show the Action bar. The best thing about Action bar is that the properties it shows are editable.

Action Bar

Action Bar

2. You can select any item in the document with either the Direct selection tool or Selection tool. You can also Shift + Click to select multiple items.


Action Bar

Action Bar

Showing and Hiding Panels

Depending upon your requirement you can show or hide one or all panels at a time to concentrate on the artwork.

1. In the Windows Menu you can select Layer (F3), Properties (F4) and Toolbox (F5) to show hide the panels or press tab to hide/show all panels at the sametime.

Show Hide Panels

Show Hide Panels

Resizing the Dock

On the right side of the screen is the dock where the Properties Panel and Layers Panel are stored by default.

Accessing the resize arrows

1. On the right side of your screen, hover the mouse over the left edge of the dock until a double-sided,horizontal arrow appears.

Resize the Dock

Resize the Dock

2.Click and drag the title bar at the top of the docked Layers panel up or down to resize it vertically.

Resize The Doc

Resize The Doc

Floating Panels

Now while working you might want to see only Properties panel or Layers panel at a time then you can undock one of the panel and make it free floating on the screen.

Click on the float button

1. Click the Float button located in the upper right corner of the properties panel. You can click Float button of multipl docks top make them floating.

Float Panel

Float Panel

2.Click and drag the title bar to reposition the panel wherever you’d like.

Float Panel

Float Panel

Docking Panel

You can click the Dock button on the upper right corner of the panel to return it to the previous position within the dock.

Dock a Panel

Dock a Panel

Note  – The Action bar and Tools panel are permanently docked.

Showing and Hiding Advanced Properties

All the properties of a control on Properties Panel are divided into categories and you can collapse or expand any category you want by clicking the toggle arrow. Also some properties are hidden until specific objects are selected like the Edit Rectangle property appears when a rectangle drawn with the rectangle tool is selected. The only category that is always visible is the appearence category. At the bottom of this category is a special section containing advanced properties (hidden by default). These include settings for applying blend modes, fill rules and strokes.

Advanced Properties

Advanced Properties


Advanced Properties

Advanced Properties

Resetting the Active Workspace

After expanding the dock, hiding and showing panels, and repositioning and resizing floating panels onscreen (and vertically in the dock), you might eventually want to get back to basics and return to the default application panel arrangement (known as the Active Workspace). Expression Design contains a special command that allows you to do so instantly.



1. Under the Window Menu, choose Reset Active Workspace.

Reset Active Workspace

Reset Active Workspace


Reset Active Workspace

Reset Active Workspace

You cannot save custom workspaces in Expression Design.

Selecting Tools

You can access all the tools in Expression Design from the tools panel located in the upper left corner of your sceen. Each tool has a descriptive icon next to it and also you will see a tooltip when you hover over the icon. The tools which are hidden and not visible directly are accesible through the fly out list.

Selecting Tools

Selecting Tools

You can also identify the tool shortcuts with tooltips.

Tooltip on Tools
Tooltip on Tools

Note –

Keyboard shortcuts are not displayed in the toolset fly-out list. In order to identify the shortcut for a hidden tool, you must refer to the tooltip by hovering over its icon in the fly-out list. Tooltips are always visible. There is currently no option to disable tooltips in Expression Design. Some of the tools do not have a keyboard shortcut assigned to them. Certain tools, such as the Polyline, Fill Transform, Start Point, and Reverse Path tools are not accessible with keyboard shortcuts.

Feedback and Comments are welcome. And if you any specific requirements then let me know.

Hey guys,

I am back with another tutorialand this time it is basics of MicrosoftExpression Design. I know that a lot of you guys would like to use Expression design and may not be able to use it as you might not know the basics. So just give 30 minutes of your your time and go along with the tutorialand you will be up with the basics of MicrosoftExpression Design.
What is Microsoft Expression Design and What it does?

Microsoft Expression Design is a powerful illustration tool that allows you to create both vector and bitmap graphics for use in projects created with the other applications in the Studio suite, including Expression Web and Expression Blend. It is only available for purchase as part of Expression Studio and not as a standalone application.

As a tightly integrated member of the Studio suite, Expression Design allows you to design custom web graphics and export them as GIFs or JPEGs for use in sites created with Expression Web. You can also use Expression Design to create custom user interface controls and export them in the native XAML format for use in interfaces created with Expression Blend.
System Requirements for installing Microsoft Expression Design

Operating System:

Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2)

Windows Vista

Minimum System:

Intel Pentium or AMD processor, 1 GHz with MMX or equivalent

512MB of RAM

150 MB available hard disk space

1024 x 768 monitor resolution with 24-bit color

Graphics processor that is DirectX 9–capable

Recommended System:

Intel Pentium or AMD processor, 2 GHz with MMX or equivalent

1 GB of RAM

600 MB available hard disk space

Microsoft DirectX 9.0–capable video card with 256 MB or more of memory—for example, ATI Radeon X300

or NVIDIA GeForce 5600 class equivalent or better.
Installing Expression design

Expression Design can only be purchased as part of the Expression Studio suite, which includes Expression Blend, Expression Web, and Expression Media. When you insert the Expression Studio installer CD, a setup guide automatically displays in your default web browser. You can use this guide to access the individual Expression Studio product installers. Use the following steps to install Expression Design onto your computer.

1. Insert the Microsoft Expression Studio CD into your drive.

Insert the Microsoft Expression Studio CD into your drive
Insert the Microsoft Expression Studio CD into your drive

2. If you are using Windows XP, install .NET Framework 3.0.

3. Click the Expression Design button to access the installer and choose Save File. Navigate to the default download location on your system and double-click the installer icon.

Click Expression Design Button
Click Expression Design Button

4. The Microsoft Expression Design Setup Wizard appears. Click the Next button and follow the steps provided.

Expression Design Install Wizard
Expression Design Install Wizard

5. When the installation is complete, click Finish to exit the wizard.

Launching Expression Design

1. Click the start button on the taskbar.

2. Point to All Programs

3. Click Microsoft Expression

4. Click Microsoft Expression Design


5. In the window that appears, enter your product key and click Continue.

Identifying Expression Design Interface Items




Opening a Document

Anytime you want to create artwork in Expression Design, you must do so within the confines of a document page. However, before you begin creating new documents, it helps to understand how to open pre-existing ones. Expression Design actually ships with some documents that are accessible through the Samples folder, which is installed along with the application. To access the Samples folder, navigate to the drive where you installed Expression Design; open the Program Files/Microsoft Expression/Design folder.

Choose the Open Command

1. Under the File menu, choose Open.

Open File in Expression Design

Open File in Expression Design

2. In the Open File dialog box that appears, navigate to the file you’d like to open.

3. Select the filename and click Open. The document automatically appears in the work area of the interface.

Expression Design Filename Open

Expression Design Filename Open

Note – you can also preview the document in Expression Design by checking the check box located in the lower left corner of the dialog box.

Opening Multiple Documents at Once

With Expression Design, you can also open multiple documents at once. This can be useful when working with multiple web graphics or interface items that are intended for use in much larger Expression Web or Expression Blend projects.

Select Multiple Files

1. Under the File menu, choose Open.

2. In the Open File dialog box that appears, navigate to the folder containing the files you’d like to open.

3. Shift+click to select adjacent filenames, or Ctrl+click to select nonadjacent files.



4. Click Open. The documents automatically appear stacked in the work area of the interface.

5. Each document’s name is displayed in a separate tab in the Flip bar. Click a tab to bring the corresponding document to the front.



Viewing Active Files

When you have multiple documents open, there are several different ways to control which one is currently being displayed. Expression Design contains a Flip bar at the top of the document window that displays the names of as many open documents as it can fit. By clicking the document name, you can bring it to the front of the stack. All open documents (including those not shown in the Flip bar) can be accessed via the active files list located under the Window menu, or via the Active Files menu to the far right of the Flip bar.

Choose the Document Name from the Window Menu

1. You can view a numbered list of open documents under the Window menu. The current document has a check mark displayed next to its name.

2. Select the name of the document you’d like to view.



Click the Document Name in the Flip Bar

1. Each document’s name is displayed in a separate tab in the Flip bar. Click a tab to bring the corresponding document to the front of the stack.



Note – Press Ctrl+Tab to view the next open document displayed in the Flip bar. Press Ctrl+Shift+Tab to view the previous document.

Choose from the Flip Bar Active Files Menu

1. The Flip bar can only display a limited number of document tabs. If you know a document is open but do not see its name listed in the Flip bar, you can access it from the Active Files menu. To access the menu, click the down arrow in the upper right of the document window, on the far right of the Flip bar. The current document has a check mark displayed next to its name.

Choose from the Flip Bar Active Files Menu

Choose from the Flip Bar Active Files Menu

2. Select the name of the document you’d like to view.

Select the name of the document

Select the name of the document

Hovering over a document name in the Flip bar reveals the current file location. When you hover over any document tab in the Flip bar, a tooltip appears to display where the file is currently stored on your system.

Creating a New Document

To create graphics in Expression Design, you must first create a document. Every document contains a frame, also referred to as the “artboard,” which determines the visible output area for your artwork. You can control the size of the document frame by entering specific width and height dimensions in the New Document dialog box. After the document is created, a black outline is displayed to indicate the position of the artboard. All the artwork that you intend to export or print should be placed within this area.

Choose the New Document Command

1. Under the File menu, choose New.

choose New

choose New

2. In the New Document dialog box that appears, choose a preset document size from the Presets list, or enter specific width and height values in the fields provided. Choose the preferred measurement units from the list provided. This also determines what units will appear in the document rulers.

3. If necesssary, change the resolution value from the default setting (96 ppi, which is the standard for onscreen display). Web graphics are generally saved at 72 ppi, and print graphics at a minimum of 220 ppi.

4. It is not necessary to name the file when setting it up in the New Document dialog box, but the option is there if you’d like to. You can always name the file later when saving it.

5. Click OK to create the new document.



Saving a Document

As you work in Expression Design, you should periodically save your documents. Doing so allows you to preserve the work you’ve done and return to it later, even after you’ve closed the file. There’s nothing worse than losing hours of hard work due to a power surge or unexpected system shutdown. Therefore, in addition to saving, you might also want to consider investing in a battery backup for your workstation.

Choose the Save Command

1. Under the File menu, choose Save.

The Save command is only available when updating pre-existing documents—not when saving for the first time, which requires the use of Save As.
You should also use Save As to avoid overwriting an original document that you’ve applied changes to. Doing so creates a copy of the document and allows you to change its name and system location.

Save Command

Save Command

Choose the Save As Command

1. Under the File menu, choose Save As.

2. Enter a name for the document in the File Name field of the Save As dialog box.

3. Choose a system location and click Save.

Save As Command

Save As Command

Setting Ruler Units

In addition to the artboard, every document also contains a set of rulers: one horizontal (top) and one vertical (left). Expression Design lets you decide which set of measurement units you’d like to display in the rulers. The Units and Grids Options include points, inches, millimeters, centimeters, picas, and pixels. Note that both rulers are always visible (there is no option to hide them), and that they both display the same measurement units.

Changing Document Ruler Unit Options

1. Under the Edit menu, point to Options and choose Units and Grids from the fly-out menu.

Edit menu

Edit menu

2. In the Options dialog box that appears, choose the preferred measurement units from the Document Units list.

3. Click OK to update the document rulers.



Setting Ruler Origin

The ruler point of origin, also referred to as the “zero point,” is the location along the edge of the artboard where zero is positioned in the rulers. In Expression Design, you can choose to place the zero point for both rulers in the upper left corner of the artboard or place it in the upper left for the horizontal ruler and in the bottom left for the vertical ruler.

Changing the Ruler Origin Option

1. Under the Edit menu, point to Options and choose Units and Grids.

2. In the Options dialog box that appears, uncheck Ruler Origin Is Always Top Left of Artboard. This changes the ruler origin for the vertical ruler from the upper left to the bottom left.

Ruler Origin

Ruler Origin

Changing Document Size

Anytime you need to change the overall size and/or resolution value of your artwork (for example, to resize a print graphic for use on the web), you can do so by using the controls available in the Document Size dialog box. Remember that any adjustments made using this method affect everything in the document, including the artboard and all your artwork.

Use the Document Size Dialog Box

1. Under the File menu, choose Document Size.

Document Size.

Document Size.

2. Enter new width and height values in the fields provided. Check Constrain Proportions to resize the document proportionally. If necessary, you can select a different measurement unit from the list provided. Doing so also changes the units that are displayed in the rulers after the dialog box is closed.

3. If necesssary, change the resolution value from its current setting. Web graphics are generally saved at 72 ppi, and print graphics at a minimum of 220 ppi.

4. Click OK to change the document size.

Resolution value

Changing the Artboard Size

If you’d like to resize the artboard without resizing your artwork, you can do so using the controls available in the Artboard Size dialog box. This allows you to extend your canvas and increase the output area or reduce it to crop away portions of your art.

Use the Artboard Size Dialog Box

1. Under the File menu, choose Artboard Size.

2. Enter new width and height values in the fields provided. If necessary, you can select a different measurement unit from the list provided. Doing so also changes the units displayed in the document rulers after the dialog box is closed.

3. Click any of the arrows in the Anchor grid to control which sides of the artboard will be added to or subtracted from. To add or subtract evenly from the center, leave the anchor point at its default setting.

4. Click OK to change the artboard size.

artboard size

artboard size

Viewing Artwork in Wireframe Mode

By default, Expression Design displays all documents in Preview mode, which reveals all applied attributes, such as fill colors, stroke colors, and effects. However, if you’d like to view the paths that make up the artwork without any attributes applied, you can do so by switching the Display Quality setting to Wireframe mode. This is a great way to take a look at what’s going on “under the hood” of your artwork. Switching to Wireframe mode can also make it easier to locate specific paths that you’d like to select and edit, especially when working with detailed pieces of art.

Change the Display Quality Setting

1. Under the View menu, choose Wireframe from the Display Quality submenu. Expression Design displays the paths that make up the artwork without showing any applied fill and stroke colors or effects.

Display Quality Setting

Display Quality Setting


Display Quality Setting

Display Quality Setting

Lets learn about creating Windows Phone Projects

Visual Studio 2010

    • Visual Studio is an “Integrated Development Environment” for creating programs
      • Edit program source
      • Add and manage program resources
      • Build, deploy and debug an application
      • It can be used for multiple platforms and languages and can also be customized by plug-ins for the different target platforms

Windows Phone on Visual Studio

  • Create the Windows Phone Solution
  • Edit the program source files
  • Add and manage program resources
  • Build and run the solution
  • Debug the solution on emulator or device
  • Manage the properties of deployment in marketplace.

Visual Studio Project and Solutions

  • A .NET Program is made up of assemblies
    • An assembly is a library file(.dll) or an executable (.exe) and it contains compiled code and resources (e.g. images and sounds) along with a manifest.
    • The .exe file also contains an entry point (Main)
  • A Visual Studio solution project describes the content of a single assembly
  • A Visual Studio solution is made up of number of projects and at least one of them has an entry point where a program can start
  • A Visual Studio Solution is an XML file that contains reference to the project file that make up solution.
  • Each project contains resources and code which contains single project can be shared amongst multiple solutions also a library assembly can be used in the library.



  • New projects and solutions are created from templates installed in Visual Studio
  • Additional templates can be installed so that the tool can be used to target different platforms
  • These templates give you the basic structure of the type of program you are trying to make and also add the relevant references and saves you a lot of effort.

Making a Silverlight Application

  • Silverlight apps are generally line of business apps which are used to do business with and there is a template that helps us create a Windows Phone Silverlight application.
  • Very easy to create rich user interface.
  • This creates the initial page for our application and configures Visual Studio to target the Windows Phone platform.
  • If we want to create additional pages and add resources to the solution we can do this using Visual Studio.

Note – Windows Phone Mango is called 7.5 but the tools and the OS is called 7.1. The reason being the development team started pretty early and named the OS as 7.1 (after 7.0) but when the marketing team decided that they would call the whole package as 7.5

XNA Game Projects

  • Could be developed in a similar way to a Silverlight app but the starting template needs to be different.
  • The solution structure will be different though.

  • The content project contains all the elements of the game, assets, texts,etc
  • If you have not developed an XNA games before then i would like tell you that
    • An XNA game will not be like a silverlight app in which you press a button but in an XNA game the stuff will be repeated 30 times a second.
    • Its pain free and very well packaged.
    • XNA is great for writing games
    • Makes good use of graphics acceleration
    • Can be tedious to create UI behaviors

Combining Silverlight & XNA

  • It is possible for the silverlight form containing XNA content to hold silverlight components and this makes it possible to overlay Silverlight UI elements on top of an XNA display.
  • This makes it easier to build interfaces to XNA game.
  • Such a project will contain at least three projects
    • SilverXNA – It is the project that actually does the running
    • SilverXNALib – The libraries
    • SilverXNALibContent – XNA library content which will have assets, etc
    • When we make a silverlight and XNA combined program then we will have a page that will take us from the silverlight to XNA. So shown in the image below we will have a single button that will navigate to the game page on clicking.
    • Also this button click starts the XNA game engine.

  • The XNA page as shown below contains version of
    Draw and Update methods that are called to run the game within the silverlight

Multiple Project Solutions

  • A VS 2010 solution can have
    • PC version of XNA game
    • XBOX version of a game
    • Windows Phone Version of a game
    • They can also share code libraries which are also part of solution
    • Many projects can share the output from a single project.

Running Applications on Windows Phone Platform

Windows Phone Device Basics

To connect from a Windows PC to Windows Phone Device we need the Zune software. this could also

  • Synchronize Media
  • Perform Phone Updates
  • The download is available at http://zune.net
  • Before we deploy our application on Windows Phone we need to register it as a developer device. This registration is a one time process and the registered developers can register up to 3 devices (but registered students can register only one device).
  • Now you need to connect the phone to your PC and from the drop down as shown below we can select the Windows Phone 7 Device

  • The debugging method and development environment is the same for both the WP devices and Emulator.
  • The problems that you might face while deployment might be
    • If the phone is displaying lock screen deployment will fail.
    • Applications that use media will not work correctly if they are deployed when the Zune software is running. To solve this problem we can use “Windows Phone Desktop Pass- Through” program to connect instead of Zune. It is available with SDK.
    • Once the application is deployed it will be stored on the device for later use but remember at a time you can have only 10 of your own applications on the phone at any time. You can anyways send the compiled version of your application to other registered developers for them to use on their developer devices.

Emulator Basics

  • Emulator is available with Windows Phone SDK.
  • It runs as a program on the windows PC.
  • It has the same software as Windows Phone device but is targeted to run on Windows PC platform.
  • The Emulator
    • Has a browser
    • Will provide phone behaviors for things like placing calls and sending SMS. Also it has some entries in phonebook
    • Contains emulation of windows phone camera, GPS and motion sensors
    • Has the ability to capture screenshots of programs running on the phone.
    • If you are developing a game then it is recommended to run it on the phone as the performance is something which is not properly tested on emulator as it running in Windows environment.
    • You can use a PC mouse to touch on the screen.
    • If you have a multitouch monitor then that touch can be passed to the emulator as well.
    • If you want to use the PC keyboard for typing then you should use the Pause/Break key to toggle the emulator keyboard. When the Emulator keyboard is not there it will take the input from PC keyboard.
    • The windows Phone Emulator
      • Does not support Zune media playback.
      • Uses only only the built in browser application.
      • Should be used for functional testing only.
      • When you hover over the emulator with a PC mouse you will see an extra set of tools.
        • These allow you to rotate the emulator into different orientations
        • There are two landscape positions but only one portrait position.

  • The camera can also be emulated but it can take a simple photograph and return it.
  • Location Emulation also works now with Mango version. The location tab is shown below and you can click the location move the emulator to that position and also place pushpins to describe a route and then replay the route as well.

  • Windows Phones contains an accelerometer and compass that can be emulated as well for determining the position.

  • Also you can take screenshots in Windows Phone and the same can be emulated as well

Program Debugging

  • We can add breakpoints
  • We can use Single Stepping
  • We can use the Immediate Window


Your feedback and comments are welcome.